Lots of really awesome movies and awesome concert!! yep yep me so excited here,bring it on baby yeah \m/
these are some movies that i can't wait to watch
Alice In Wonderlandwell Hellooooo johnny depp woohooo woohoo.kayaknya this movie will be really awesome ya secara they have the best actor of all time in it!!woop woop
New York I Love Youoyeah i think this movie is going to be cool.lots of hot actors here baby owwwww.
duh like shia labeouf,plus orlando bloom AND hayden christensen.
woow like WHAT A HEAVEN!!! well new york,i love you ;p
Sherlock Holmes
Robert Downey as the hottest version of a famous detective called Sherlock Holmes?! what more i can say :*
well i'm not really sure this movie will come out in 2010,its on the end of 2009 if im not wrong,isnt it? can somebody tell me? any-body? anyone?
Whip It
well they have 2 my favourite actress here.ellen page and the adorable Drew Barrymore???in one movie??? just cant wait :)
Toys Story 3whooopp like im a fan of this movie since the first and the second one people!!!!
i just cant wait.im so curious about what will happen to woody and the others this time
and now for concerts that i can't wait are...
OF COURSE BOYS LIKE GIRLS LIKE DUUUU'H they are the reason im still breathing and living here!!! can somebody gimme a poison that juliet capulet drank so that i can like dead for a while than wake up at 25th of january? please?
i'd reather die if i cant (nauzubilahminzalik yaallah jangan sampe) meet them. please god god god im begging you :'''''''''(
second Coh-Bra-Star-Ship
yeah yeaahhh im a fangs up people and i AIN'T fake fan that only gonna sing in 'good girls go bad" FUCKED UP PEOPLE.and i hope i can meet them tho,real fans here baby come to mama!
third Taking Back sunday.i'm not really gonna watch the concert tho but i will chase them as usual.me want to meet adam lazarraaaaa :)
forth KELLY CLARKSON well yeah i like her song so much "BECAUSE OF YOOOUUU I NEVER STAAAAAY TO FAR FROM THE SIDE WAAAAAALLLLKKKK" (nyanyi dengan heboh).
so?! forget the 2009 and bring on the 2010!yeah yeah yeah!
yep guess that's all for now,keep rockin people
reporting from jakarta
allegra signing of
p.s:Happy Birthday to raditya dika,Thomas Adam Dekker and David James Archuleta :)
Monday, December 28, 2009
2010 means:
Friday, December 25, 2009
Malaikat tak bersayap
tak pernah didalam hidupku
aku melihat sesosok manusia sesempurna kamu
tak pernah didalam hidupku
aku mencintai seseorang sedalam mencintai kamu
aku tahu kamu tidak akan selalu ada untuk aku untuk saat ini
tapi aku tahu
aku tahu kamu selalu ada dihatiku
aku tahu disitulah tempatmu
dan kamu tak akan kemana mana
selama kamu ada dihatiku,
aku tahu aku akan tenang
selama kamu ada dihatiku
aku tahu hatiku akan aman
aku tidak suka merindukan kamu
tapi aku senang
mempunyai kamu untuk aku rindukan
sela sela dijari jari tanganku ini
hanya pas untuk jari jari mu
untuk menggenggamnya
ya,kamu penjaga hatiku
kamu malaikatku
pahlawan dalam hidupku
kamu malaikat tak bersayap
Thursday, December 24, 2009
hell-fucking-o me want some privacy here
dan gue mau nyambung sedikit lagi.sekarang gue udah mendiactived FB gue dan gue (mungkin) akan menghapus msn dan twitter lama gue.gue muak dan gue bener bener capek sama yang namanya dunia maya.
jujur aja semenjak ada twitter fb dan segalanya kayaknya hidup gue makin susah makin ribet gara gara nambah masalah.well setau gue internet itu bikin idup jd gampang dan serba simpel.tp besides that,internet juga nambah masalah.kayak apa yang ayik bilang,sering banget salah paham entah sama gebetan,pacar,bahkan temen atau sahabat sendiri,kan nyusahin.
dan satu lg kayak apa enaknya pacaran di dunia maya doang? *sigh*
dan gue bingung kenapa orang suka protes kalo followers twitternya berkurang terus kayak desperate banget nyari followers.emang twitter itu ajang nyari eksis ya? baru tahu lho gue.
terus gue juga merasa kayaknya semenjak punya twitter privacy gue jd nggak terjaga ya.oke bukan gua sok artis tp gue juga punya privacy.sadar nggak kalo di twitter lo misal status lo sedih atau gmn pasti ada aja yang nanya "knp?" begitu dikasih tau cuma komen "sabar ya" wow gue muak sama yang kayak gitu.terus banyak banget yang ngereply orang cuma "oh oke sip hehe" atau "oooh" atau "sip sip" atau haha hihi huhu hehe hoho.menuh2in timeline.well,sebenernya caranya gampang,tinggal unfollow.tp nanti dikira apa,kan serba salah dan nyari masalah.
karna itu gue bikin account twitter yang bener2 cuma diketahui gue sendiri semoga gue bs lebih tenang di acc itu.
terus apa artinya 1000 temen di fb? gue sih mending nyari temen di dunia nyata.terkesan lebih real.iya sih gue tau namanya social network,tempat nyari temen didunia luar sana.
tp ya gue merasa muak aja,social network itu berubah jadi tempat nyari eksis.
ya post ini no offense ya saya hanya mengekspresikan perasaan saya.
Monday, December 21, 2009
titlenya apa banget ya HA HA.oke,like the title,i just found something something really really W-O-W
wow this video succesfully makes me fall in love with that guy.okay,sebelumnya gue ngata2in dia gay karna suaranya itu ya gue bingung itu suara cewek apa cowok.tp setelah dipikir pikir kalo dia udah puber kayaknya akan jd ganteng dan (mungkin) macho!
intinya saya jd suka sama si biebergay itu gara video ini! NGEK.
Friday, December 18, 2009
somewhere out there,Out where dreams come true
Somewhere out there beneath the pale moonlight
Someone's thinking of me and loving me tonight
Somewhere out there someone's saying a prayer
That we'll find one another
in that big somewhere out there
And even though I know how very far apart we are
It helps to think
we might be wishing on the same bright star
And when the night wind starts
to sing a lonesome lullaby
It helps to think
we're sleeping underneath the same big sky
Somewhere out there if love can see us through
Then we'll be together somewhere out there
Out where dreams come true
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The Ugly Truth
i want to post (more) random stuffs nih.i want to post what's on my mind right now.let my mind say what i wants to say :)
oke lets start
Truth #1 i 'm in love with this guyyep! zac efron.amazing i know.like ALLEGRA is a fan of zac efron?! but i have to admit it man.he's hot.and he looks gay when she plays in High School Musical.errggghh screw HSM.
and he looks gay when he's with vanessa,don't kn ow why.well yeah,HE'S HOT and cute,when he's NOT with vanessa and play as Troy.
Truth #2 gue belom nntn new moon.sampe detik ini.ga minat hahaha mungking gara2 banyak yang ribut team edward atau team jacob kali ya.mungkin.oh iya,gue masih gasuka kalo ada orang nganggep Robert itu Edward.dude they are freakin diffrent.
Truth #3 i'm addicted to Jane Austen.everything about that freakin Genius writter.her works are genius.I watched becoming jane,sense and sensibility and the most important PRIDE AND PREJUDICE.oh and i also watched the jane austen book club,that movie was awesome,how austen brings people together.
oh and pride and prejudice,i think it IS depends on jane's life...in happy ending.version.everything about her makes me wants to live in 17th and 18th century era.those era were super duper cool.the dances,the dresses and etc.take me to those era just to know what it feels like,please?
Truth #4 Let me present to you.This man still the hottest alive.can't deny it.well,he will always IS.he's like the hottest man on the planet.the hottest man ALIVE!
Truth #5 i'm freakin excited for new year!!!! this is not actually a truth.anyway,i want to make a-well it's almost new yeear so- i want to make a resolution and wish list,and new year present for 2010.here they are:
-Permanent tatoo.mau pelangi encer (BLG's logo) atau the one yang stars kayak rihanna,PLEASE.
-a macbeth shoes.sumpah those shoes are super duper extra mega ultra cool.yang mau beliin gue jamin idup nya tenang.
-Greenday live in singapore concert ticket!!!!!
-A new Guitar! accoustic electric one.
-leather jackets
-....martin johnson <3
-kurusin badan,tinggiin badan
-be a better person.nice to people
-always keep believing and achieving my dreams
-nggak nunda2 tugas and fix my grades
-always helpful and useful to people
-never give up.
last but not least............
Saturday, December 12, 2009
got what i mean? got my point?!
ini apa apaan ya!? bisa tolong jelasin nggak hah?!HAH?! dasar orang indonesia :/ apaan banget Pride and Prejudice diikutin.ah indonesia banget nih kayak gini.gue gak terima woy woy woy baru sadar gua itu mirip banget paraaaaaah.no Offense tp sumpah itu kok gak kreatif banget sih ew ew ew.aduh emosi nih gmn dong meledak ledak nih gue.sekali lagi GUE GAK TERIMA!
masih untung gue gak ngeluarin semua isi kebun binatang buat ngata2in,masih baek nih gue.
Friday, December 11, 2009
if u think i'm find,it just aint true
There is a feeling inside and as hard as I try it just won't go away
Are you finding it hard it all on your own
Having to face each night alone
Knowing that you are the one with the love that I need
And I miss you more each day
So many feelings emotions running away with me
Cos it's you I believe in and our love will run so deep
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
"you give me someone to love,someone to hold"
"Across the miles It's funny to me How far you are but now Near you seem to be I could talk all night Just to hear you breathe I could spend my life Just living this dream You're all I'll ever need You give me strength You give me hope You give me someone to love someone to hold When I'm in your arms"
Girl and guy were speeding over 100 mph
girl and guy were speeding over 100 mph on the road on a motorcycle...
Girl: Slow down, I'm scared.
Guy: No, this is fun.
Girl: No it's not. Please it's too scary!
Guy: Then tell me you love me.
Girl: Fine I love you. Slow down!
Guy: Now give me a BIG hug.
Girl hugs him
Guy: Can you take my helmet off and put it on yourself? It's bugging me.
(in the paper the next day): A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of brake failure. Two people were on it, but only 1 had survived. The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his brakes broke, but he didn't want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved him and felt her hug one last time, then he had her wear his helmet so that she would live even though it meant that he would die.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
these are the difference about like crush on and love
so you would understand if you are one of them
like is when you wanted to have him/her/it. . .
crush on is when you wanted to make him/her/it happy. . .
and love is when you sacrificed yourself for him/her/it. . .
when you sad and cry the person who "likes" you will said: well, don't cry. . .
but the person who "crush on" you will cry along with you. . .
and the person who "loves" you will let you cry and wait until you calmed down and said "come on, lets solve this together"
when the people who "likes" you sits beside you, him/her/it will ask "can i kiss you?"
but when the people who "crush on" you him/her/it will says "let me hug you."
and when the people who "love" you him/her/it wouldn't say any word. him/her/it just hold your hand tightly as will never let you fall. . .
when you "likes" someone and that someone hurt you, you would be angry and would never talk to him/her/it again. . .
but when you "crush on" someone and that someone hurt you, you would cry of him/her/it. . .
and when you "love" someone and that someone hurt you, you will smile and says "him/her/it hasn't know what did he/she/it do" wherever it hurted
"like" is just the own selfishly . . .
"crush on" is take and give. . .
and "love" is sacrificing . . .
"like" is just do when it's fun. . .
"crush on" do because you always wanted to be with him/her/it. . .
and "love" do because you dont want him/her/it to be hurted and you don't care how to make it. . .
Pick up yourself !!
credits:rizkiagentelor @livejournal
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
"play it again for me!please,just one more time"
there's no more words i can say to explain how i terribly misses you so much.
yeah,that much.
i never know i will fall in love with you at the first time you know,you know i dont.
but that's what i call falling in love,my dear.i just fall.
i miss the light in your face when you play 'that' song on the piano.
it's just me or...are you trying to capture my attention everytime you play that..uhm..our song?
ah what am i thinkin,im such a fool for thinking you trying to capture my attention.
but if you do,you really truely perfectly did it!
i miss your handsomeness when your magic fingers when they starts touching that beautiful instrument.
i miss it,really,i mean it,i really do.
i cant deny your eyes
i cant deny your handsomeness,your talent and..ah..everything about you
dont you ever realize that you always take my breath away?do you?
and you know what? i still hope that someday we will be together and complete each other.
i wish for anyone but you.aint other boy but you
it's just you.i want to be with you.my first love.
i want to grow old with you.
you are my Love
you are Everything i could ask for
you are Very extra ordinary
and I cant spell Love and Live without your name
if you get what i mean
I hope you will be mine.someday.